Friday, December 23, 2011

Looking In: Safe And Sound (Part 1)

Ok, I'm still freaking out a little bit here, so, forgive me if that comes across.

The Song

I have heard of The Hunger Games, which is a book, but I haven't read it. It's being made into a movie and this song will be on the Soundtrack. Some anti-Swifties might be thinking, "Shameless cross-promotion!" and maybe they're right but as a fan, I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be getting this brand new song I've never heard before when I thought we had to wait a whole year for the next album before we had that chance. That alone is exciting but the actual song is freakin' awesome.
Granted, I've only heard it eleven times so far but it is so beautiful.
I hope the next album sounds like this because as awesome as Speak Now is - and it's really awesome - I really love this side of Taylor as a musician and composer. Songs like Jump Then Fall and Come in with the Rain are what made me fall in love with her music in the first place and songs like Tied Together With a Smile, The Outside, A Place in this World and Fifteen made me think, Holy crap, this girl is deep (songs like Never Grow Up and Dear John reaffirmed this). People talk alot about what genre Taylor Swift fits into - "She's Country!" "No, She's pop! "She's Country-pop!" "She's invented her own genre - Kiddy-Pop-Country!" She's sung everything from pure country to epic melodic rock, she's even rapped - it's clear shes not a one-trick pony that fits into anyone's box, but to me, at her core, Taylor always has been and always will be a Folk-Singer with a soft-spot for country. The two genres have so many similarities, it's hard to pick, and we know how much Tay Tay loves her banjos and fiddles, but trust me, she's a contemporary folk song-writer. She can write any genre brilliantly but these kind of songs are her forte' - which is why this one is magical in its sincere simplicity. The general reception seems to be positive if Twitter is anything to go by.
Again, it's early days. The song is so fresh in my mind and I'm just starting to learn it but at this point, I think my favourite lyrics are, Hold onto this lullaby/Even when the music's gone. I hope Tay Tay wrote that part.
As for the melody, to qoute a bogan Aussie expression, I'm loving it sick. "Oh-oh-oh-ooh-oh" - dude, killed me.
As I said, I've never read this book, so that might make it tricky to analyse the song, but if we forget it's written about a movie for a second, it seems to be from the point of view of a mother/sister figure trying to calm someone younger in a war-like situation. They've been through a traumatic ordeal in which Taylor's character protected this personand promised to stay with him/her. She tells this person that whatever has happened is over now. She urges him/her to sleep, assuring this vulnerable child that even though
The war outside our door keeps raging on, as long as she's with him/her - and she intends to stay with him/her - You and I'll be safe and sound. I plan to give further analysis once I've read the book/watched the film.

The Collaberators
You didn't think I'd forget The Civil Wars, did you? Of course not. That would be rude. I didn't think I knew who these guys were, but I now recall seeing one of their videos on cmc, Poison and Wine - a beautiful song.
According to their website, Tay Tay totally endorsed them on Twtiter and her iTunes playlist and whatnot. So that explains that. This low-key, folk/country duo seem like the perfect fit for that part of Tay Tay.
They are Joy Williams and John Paul White. Whenever I hear a collaberation between Tay Tay and another artist, I always want to know which parts she wrote, but anyone who had a hand in writing this song is a musical genius because every word, every note, is perfect and simple and beautiful. If this song was a person, I would totally ask it out on a date.

People who have iTunes:
People who don't: Youtube has removed most of the copies but there are already some spectacular covers up. Do what I'm gonna do; I'm just get the soundtrack in stores.

New Song, Safe and Sound (WTF?!)

I'm still in shock over the news I received this morning that Taylor's got a new song out with The Civil Wars (apparently they're a music duo) for The Hunger Games Soundtrack. Review later. For now:
People who don't have iTunes - try youtube. Several copies have been removed, but as of me writing this, there are still some up.
People who do have iTunes -

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Looking in : Ours

Yes, I've been away. Yes, alot of stuff has happened with Tay Tay in the last few months. No, I'm not going to talk about that in this post. This is a review of Ours. I told myself once the song was out and my internet connection was excellent, I'd post a review, so, here I am.

The Song
Am I disappointed Enchanted still hasn't been released as a single and probably won't now that a sixth single's been released? Yes. Am I disappointed in the alternative choice? No.
I fell in love with this song the first time I heard it, was outraged when I found out it wouldn't be played on the tour (but it has been and will be on the Aussie and NZ legs now!!!) and... that line - well, I'll get to that. Infodump: As you know, Ours was originally a bonus track on the Red (awesomer) version of Speak Now. According to Tay Tay, it was the song's popularity that got it released:
"That's what I love about my fans; they always let the best song win," she said in her 13-part behind-the-scenes web series.
Well, I don't know about that. Lot's of songs off of Speak Now - actually, all of them - are pretty popular among fans, probably because it's such an amazing album. I think Better Than Revenge, Enchanted and Haunted are most likely the most popular. Ours was pretty popular, too, particularly that line: People throw rocks at things that shine.
I mean, seriously, that says it all, doesn't it? All the previous singles from this album were lavishly produced in Taylor's familiar charmingly OTT style. This song goes back to what made her popular in the first place; simple, folky arrangements, laced with sweetness and the tiniest twinge of attitude. It's about a girl who is getting judged for her choice of partner by friends and family and doesn't care, because their love doesn't belong to anyone else but her and the boy in question -hence, this love is Ours.

The Music Video
In this video, Taylor is not an internationally acclaimed superstar who likes glitter and sparkly dresses, she's an average working stiff with straight, unkempt hair, muted toned clothes and a sense of sadness and boredom. It's directed by Declan Whitebloom, (the dude who did Mean) and again, they are working from a treatment written by Tay Tay, although, of course, it's very different. The story of the clip is a little different from the story of the song, which is about dating a rebel no one approves of, as opposed to a normal, stand-up, honourable guy that no one in the office - except the janitor - knows about. I liked that they actually had her in a lift for the line Elevator buttons and morning air because I believe nothing else would work as well. Most fans seem generally pleased with this video, myself among them - and you can also count me among the majority who said "aww" when the twist was revealed (although I kind of figured it out at the second chorus but it was still so sweet). I should also note that the lighting of this video was fairly excellent and more effective than White Horse, which also attempted a similar kind of lighting.

You can find the video here and all 13 behind-the-scenes webisodes of the making of the video, including a cute little The Office parody, here.

Not to be confused with Mine or Our Song.

p.s Zach Gilford is hot and I don't like cats but Meredith is adorable.