Friday, August 19, 2011

Taylor Sticks Up for True Blood

According to Rolling Stone, Gary Calamar, Music Supervisor for True Blood, revealed in an interview that Haunted will feature in the next episode to be aired in the US. Apparently, Taylor's "people" were originally against the use of the song in the episode (I can't imagine why. How can an R-Rated show about sex, drugs and vampires be considered inconsistent with Taylor's image as a wholesome girl-next-door?) until Taylor stepped in to save the day (as usual). I think that's cool. I wonder if it means she's a fan. That would be interesting.
Let me just make it clear that True Blood is totally, unequivocally inappropriate viewing for children and just barely appropriate viewing for teenagers. It depends on the individual of course, but don't say I didn't warn you. As a Jessica/Hoyt fan, what I've heard about the new season kind of pisses me off, but I digress. This is not a True Blood fan-blog.
The episode can be viewed on HBO this Sunday stateside. As for Australian audiences, we'll have to wait a couple of months to view that particular episode, but the new season starts on Showcase this Sunday at 2:15pm EST and again at 9:40pm. It will also be shown on Showcase 2 at 4:15pm and 11:40pm.

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